1993 baja 236 cuddy cabin--Captain choice exhaust switchable--7.4 mercruzer with drive shower--Runs Great--685 hrs--dual ram trim tabs--Automatic fire extingishing system--new 6 speaker am fm cd aux stereo--walk thru windshield--bimini top--cockpit cover--full cover--Morring cover--Table either on deck or in cuddy--LED lights--depth finder with alarm--Porta potty--2 props 1stainless 21 pitch--dual battery with switch--Boat to beach ladder--Stored in shed when not in use--New shoerlan r trailer--4 disk brakes--under water led gel filled lights--retrackable tie downs--brake lockout in reverse--spare tire--saftey chain. If interested call 608-558-8742 between 5-9 00 pm. If no answer please leave messsage.
Price: 11,000 DOP
Category: Boats, Ships, Water vehicles & Parts
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