Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix Pups

Momma is full Rhodesian Ridgeback. Dad is white German Shepherd St Bernard mix. Pups will be 8wks next Thursday. Shots and deworming. Both parents are great family protectors & watch dogs. 2 brown males similar coloring as momma minus the ridge 250. 1st male Biggest of the litter. He s brown with white on belly. His snout is black and long as seen in pic. Sweet temperament with small children. He loves being close to people. 2nd male Brown with pudgy dark face. So cute He s very playful and intelligent.Quick learner. 1 female with ridge 400. Brown with white on chest and nose. The markings the ridge on her back and her sweet disposition and temperament make her an all around unique dog (317)395-8214



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