1960 Bell 47 - Price: $120,000

This aircraft has a fresh annual new battery and has been meticulously maintained by Coastal Helicopter in Panama City Fl. All airframe engine and component times available upon request. Interior Terrific condition dual controls nice Exterior Great paint and glass always hangered. Avionics King KN 96 Com King KT 76A transponder Garmin 195 GPS Intercom History TIME CHANGE COMPONENTS P N S N TOTAL TIME TIME REMAIN MAIN ROTOR YOKE 47-120-177-1 A-14 941.9 2658.1 GIMBLE RING ASSY 47-120-014-023 RE2721 3325.0 1475.0 M R GRIP ASSY R47-120-135-5 MRG605 170.9 1029.1 M R GRIP ASSY R47-120-135-5 MRG604 170.9 1029.1 M R GRIP 300 HR INSP R47-120-135-5 MRG605 170.9 129.1 M R GRIP 300 HR INSP R47-120-135-5 MRG604 170.9 129.1 ENGINE MOUNT ASSY 477-HCI-171-123 HCI-123 1740.4 759.6 SHEAR SCREWS R47-620-485-9 841.3 358.7 FAN BELTS 74-661-041-11M 1763 1764 257.6 642.4 T R YOKE ASSY 47-641-126-5 RE1469 1482.7 1017.3 T R BLADE 47-642-117-105 A-2604 460.7 2039.3 T R BLADE 47-642-117-105 A-2595 460.7 2039.3...



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