702 N Bradley Rd Santa Maria

Built in 1966 this unique custom home is full of character and charm. Featuring 4BR 2.5BA this 2 story multi-level home offers 2 321 SF of living space upstairs bonus room or possible 5th bedroom w your armoire 2 sided driftwood stone fireplace in the living room and den and large wrap-around sun room that s ideal for entertaining or use as a billiard gaming room. Your split-bedroom floor plan features a half bathroom and master bedroom w full en-suite bathroom on level 2 and three additional bedrooms a full bathroom and bonus room w mountain view on level 3. You ll find tile floors in the entry kitchen 2 bathrooms & sun room and wood laminate flooring in the dining room & den. Highlights include kitchen w updated tile counters & backsplash electric stove (optional gas line hook-up in place) refrigerator 2 newer furnaces new water heater updated shower heads & toilets washer & dryer and newer roof (2016). You ll appreciate your beautifully landscaped front & rear yards w sprinkler system fenced rear yard w numerous fruit trees (apple avocado guava & nectarine) side gate for access to boat parking and spacious 3 car garage. This property is situated on an 8712 SF corner lot not far to shopping school & parks. Call today for a private tour. Offered at 414 900. Information deemed reliable but not verified or guaranteed by broker.Help-U-Sell Real Estate Santa MariaArt Gardner Broker Associate GRICA BRE 00804081www.KENSELLS.com



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