Affordable NYC Computer Repair from Thirty5Tech . We have been troubleshooting Desktop and Laptop since late 2001 . We do all type of work on computers If you are having an issue with your computer and are not able to solved it Then feel free to give us a call and we will do our best to help you correct the issue right away . Troubleshooting a Desktop and or Laptop Hardware and or Software issue are not easy and sometimes it takes time to figure the issue and to find a solution to correct the issue . But in the end of the day Your computer is working much better and faster than when you brough it in or had one of our technical look at it . So if you are computer is Infected with a Virus Running Slow Producing error when opening application not turning on and other computer related issue . Then let us take a look at it . We will advise on the best course to take to fix the issue and any expense that might occur by replacing the parts that is needed to correct the issue . for more information feel free to contact us below Tel 917-508-6047 Add. 35 Fort Washington Ave Apt 3C ( We are in Upper Manhattan Washington Heights area . ) Web email thirty5tech(at)
Price: 60 USD
Category: Web Design & Tech
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WordPress is the most popular CMS solution in the world. WordPress development services are helpful...
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SFWPExperts is a leading WordPress website design company, dedicated to creating custom, visually engaging websites...
Best MLM Software to transform the Landscape of Direct Selling & Network Marketing
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Suma Soft delivers robust Network Support Services for businesses. Our comprehensive solution safeguards your enterprise...
Suma Soft helps businesses use ServiceNow software to work better. We have a lot of...