2008 Toyota Camry Hybrid - Price: $7900

Toyota Camry Hybrid this car has 7000 in third party upgrades It comes with the Toyota Platinum Extended Warranty covering everything up to 125 000 miles.The vehicle also has the electric plug in charge option from Enginer Conversion systems. The car can be plugged into 110v at night and charges for approximately 6 hours giving you an electric range of up to 25 miles at 50 mpg then you fall back to the standard drive train at 32 mpg. The car has a front CPU display [USB to the trunk] with SD ram card. Enginer button hidden and professionally installed. The car looks excellent in and out. The car functions as the stock Camry Hybrid when the Enginer system is turned off and did NOT void any warranty per Loeb Toyota. Any questions dont hesitate to e-mail me TAI.STGEORGE02(at)live.com



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