Why Pay geek Squad 100 dollars a hour to fix your computer

hello my names jason rodriquez.. i stay in ontario Ca. as we all know economic times are tuff.. its hard to make a buck or find a job as is.. and we all work hard for our well earned money.. usually now a days its a necessity now a days to have a desk top computer or laptop for work or school... but what happens when it starts to slow down act funny or even craps out... you have to sometimes dish out big bucks for geek squad to fix it. well not with me you get quality work at half the cost.. if your in the inland empire area and need some good work done hit me up will work something out... if you dont have a car ill drive to you as long as its something i can fix and i do not waste my gas for change of mind. so if you in a bind day or night hit me up via email at -X(at)yahoo.com ask for jason...



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