Lots of household items that must go.... Proforma 675-e treadmill - 500 (iPod docking station includes mat) negotiable Broyhill china curio cabinet - 500 (contents not included) negotiable Cannondale bike H200 CAD1 - 250 (needs some TLC hasn t been ridden in years but frame is like new helmet and garage hanging rack included) negotiable Corner shelves (2) - 100 takes them both Small corner shelf - 40 Large sun burst mirror - 50 Patio heater - 75 (includes gas tank and cover) Collectable figurines - 50 for all Old crock jug - 40 has chips but overall in good shape Outdoor speakers - 50 Queen size bedding like new includes dust ruffle duvet shams - 100 32in TV Sony Trinitron big box TV heavy but works great great picture - 75 21in HDTV - 50 Bookshelf - 40 Lots of name brand women s clothes winter coats sweats etc. August 1 6 00pm - 9 00pm August 2 7 00am - 12 00pm August 3 7 00am - 12 00pm



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