Memorial Day Sale Lenovo T61 for $259 - Price: $259

Brand IBM Model ThinkPad T61 Screen 15.4 Processor(s) Intel Core 2 Duo Dual Core 2.2 GHZ 3gb RAM 2GB DDR-2 5300 2 Slots Full Hard Drive(s) 250GB SATA Optical Drive COMBO Operating System Genuine Windows 7 PRO (pre-installed) About Our Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher (MAR) Notebooks All of our Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher (MAR) notebooks undergo a rigorous testing and verification process. After a thorough testing and diagnostic procedure each individual notebook is put through a continuous 24 hour stress test. At the end of this 24 hour burn the notebooks are once again run through testing and diagnostics before being thoroughly cleaned software loaded and ready for shipment. Each notebook is backed by a 1 year on notebook and 30 days on battery over the counter warranty.



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