2005 Itasca Suncruiser Gorgeous Inside and out Solid wood Cabine

2005 Itasca Suncruiser 38 FT. w 3 Power Slides Workhorse Vortec Very low Miles ( Only 35 335 Miles) All New Michellin Tires Driver Side Door Dual Pane Windows Back-Up Camera w Sony Monitor Roof Ladder Trailer Hitch Full Size Patio Awning Cruise Control Tripple Electric Steps Pilot and Co- Pilot Leather Seats Dual Aircondioning Central Ducted Onan Generator Water Filtration System 4 Door Stainless Steel Refrigerator w ice Maker Stainless Steel Convection Microwave 3- 32 Sony Flat Screen TV s Gorgeous Light Wood Cabinetry Private Bath Glass Enclosed Shower Dual Reclining Leather Sofa Extra Reclining Chair In Living Gorgeous Booth Dinette Walk Around Queen Size Bed w Extra Sitting Chair Very Spacious Wardrobe Closet Solid Surface Counter Tops in Kitchen and Bath Sony DVD VHS Player AM FM CD Stereo Built In desk w Chair in Bedroom Washer Dryer Prep Slide Out Kitchen Pantry This Unit is Regularly service and very well Maintained Please Call for more info (at) 480-357-5200 We Take Trades Was 79 900 NOW 69 997



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