Beau - Male Border Collie Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Sacramento- Beau originally came to us 4.5 years ago as a newborn. He was born to a stray who had been hit by a car. He and his littermates spent 10 weeks being carried around and taken everywhere while being bottle fed. He was adopted and unfortunately it seems that is where his socialization ended. He was adopted by a family full of children and they recently moved into housing that wouldn t accommodate Beau and so now he is back to us and looking for another home (we r equire dogs be returned to us rather than being rehomed). As you can see he is a border collie (probably mix). He is shy around people not leash trained but he is house trained and crate trained. He LOVES his people but is very shy with new people and is learning to be around other dogs. He is gentle and sweet and eager to please. He would be perfectly happy to be an only dog for a person or family who is willing to understand that he is confused. He keeps waiting for his family to come back and pick him up so a little patience and understanding will go a long way to get you an AMAZING and loving (and mellow) border collie. He was named Beauregard because he was one of my cow babies (cattle dog) and so his litter was named after Elsie the cow s kids (calves technically). Beau is neutered microchiped dewormed and up to date on vaccines. You can find out more about our process and apply online at -X ------.- adoption-process Adoption Fee 200



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