timeshare/condos-Wor ldmark/Trendswest/Wy ndam- - Price: $2,500

We own Timeshares condos which we bought through the above condo company which has been in business since early 90 . We bought membership in 1995 and it is paid off. The timeshares condos apartments are located all over the world and there is also an exchange co. available called RCI. You can use the points with them and go place where the other condos are not availabe thus exchange. The units are from 1 bedroom to two and three have the same amenities as a regular home you bring the food and you are set. We have 6 thousands points which can get you about a week a year more than once or all at one time. The cleaning fee is 75 dollars free a year per trip. The maintenance fee is 42 dollars a month. You can save these points as long as you want and have bigger vacation. You can also buy a night for a little over 42 dollars a night without using your points and save them for another time. Please let us know if you are interested Thank you very much. Rick and Renate



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