Uno - Male Great Dane

Please contact JoEllen (--XX(at)--X) for more information about this pet.Go to -.----XX.- and use the online application form Meet Uno He is a 3 year old neutered male great dane with a little twist about him. Uno has a thyroid condition It does not cause him any discomfort however it does leave him a teeny bit gasp NAKED Thats RIGHT Uno is a nudist His coat will probably never completely come in but that just means less shedding Uno is a sweet boy who loves to cuddle but also loves to play. He gets along with all his foster siblings knows how to use a dog door like a pro. He also knows his sit command and loves to shake hands with you He walks well on leash though he does pull he knows how to use a gentle leader as well Uno s adoption fee is 150.00 and has been reduced to reflect that he has special needs but all he REALLY needs is a home open to a naked semi naked dog prancing around and shaking hands He has been neutered fully vaccinated microchipped dewormed heart worm tested negative and maintained on heart worm prevention. If you are interested in adding Uno to your family please go to -.----XX.- and fill out the application located there. Go to -.----XX.- and use the online application form ... More Info



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