Pumpkin - Female Chihuahua

Pumpkins are round and fun and a jolly sight so that s how I got my name because I m round and happy and so much fun. I really love my sister Pineapple We are like two little sweet ladies and we hang out together and share a bed and like our kennel. We are both quite lovely. Neither of us really cares for larger dogs or busy dogs and Pineapple will bark at them. She s feisty that way. We had a really great home with a person that loved us very much but she was getting a little forgetful as in she would forget that she fed us and feed us again and we were pretty tubby. We never told her we already ate and she cooked us great food So anyway we are both losing weight and getting healthier and we are really happy. Mostly we would love a nice home with a person who will take us in and love us FOREVER And get us great care and exercise and all the love we need. Chihuahua Rescue says Pumpkin and Pineapple are gorgeous Long haired Chihuahuas who have had an extreme groom recently to even out their fur but they are gorgeous and sweet house and crate trained. They are older but not necessarily senior. Pumpkin is about 12 and should be about 9 Pineapple is less than 6 . She is doing well with her weight. Pineapple is also one eyed. The adoption fee for both these pets is 425 and they are spayed vaccinated had a recent dental cleaning and they are micro-chipped as well.... More Info



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