Purebred saint bernard puppies

We are expecting our first litter of purebred saint bernard puppies at the end of march. Attached are photos of my Male YETI and female ANNA. We will update the post as things progress. We will be starting a waiting list for puppies. to ensure that they will all have homes befor 8 weeks of age. To be placed on the waiting list please leave a message. I will send you an email to get your contact information In the order i received the emails. I will then place your name and number on a waite list for a Male or female puppy. I will be going from the top to the bottom on the list when the puppies arrive to take 100 nonrefundable deposit to hold your puppy. 700 due at pick up.I will also be following this list as an order to pick your puppy. first person on the list gets first pick and so on.I also would like people on the list as soon as possible to find there new home. so that we are able to share videos and pictures from the whelping box until they re eight weeks old and ready to go home with there new families. We would really like to involve you as much or as little as your comfortable with. A new puppy and family member is a very exciting thing. So we would love to share them with you as they grow.They will all haveage appropriate shotsDeworming dewclaws removedMicrochips Vet checks and recordsPuppy starter packsThey will not be papered as I am selling them to pet homes only. Thank You.



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