Experienced Caregiver, Great Prices!

Hello I am here to provide great and affordable child care from my home. I currently reside in a wonderful townhouse in a very quiet complex. We have little parks located all around the complex as well as a basketball court. We also have pools as well that open once the summer arrives. I am always looking for wonderful kids to watch My twin sister and I run our in home child care together and we make a great team we are both 23 years old. I have a son who is 3 and she has a step daughter who is 7 and a step son who is 12. We have both been in childcare for over 5 years. From Foster Care children to working in a highly recommended preschool for two years where I watched over eight children at a time and managed my own classroom. I am also working twords my degree in Early Childhood Education. We can provide information for backround checks as well as reliable references. I am CPR and First Aid certified We have been trained in emergency situations as well as correct sleeping positions for infants. We are both very creative and love to do arts and crafts. We love to teach children and watch them learn and grow. We are very loving and caring and have loved taking care of children all our lives. Your child children will be in great hands. Please e-mail me with any questions. tarradesimone(at)yahoo.com . My hours are (Mon.-Fri. 6am-6pm)



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