? House Painting At Budget Rates..(847) 489-5549 ?

At Property Preservation s of Florida we provide professional and personal service for all your painting needs from painting the walls in a single room to taking care of all the coatings in a large remodel or custom construction project. We offer a wide variety of interior painting exterior painting protective coatings staining architectural coatings faux finishing and Venetian and Italian plasters. Whichever finishes you choose the basic principals apply we respect your time provide you updates on your project and work closely with you to create a home environment you ll enjoy for years to come. Fully Licensed & Insured Office (847) 489-5549 SERVING CENTRAL FLORIDA Counties Served Orange - Seminole - Lake - Osceola - Polk - Volusia Orlando - Clermont - Minneola - Davenport - Groveland - Leesburg - Windermere - Winter Park - Eustis - Mt. Dora - Kissimmee - The Villages



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