Rosie - Female Shar PeiGreater Swiss Mountain Dog Mix

Please contact Lidia for more information about this pet.We do not have a facility to house the dogs in our program. They are all kept in foster homes until they are adopted. Therefore if you are interested in adopting from CCHS you have to complete an online application at -X -.--------X.- adoption-application.html and we will contact you asap about the status of your application.Meet ROSIEShe was found wondering the street in Mineral Wells very pregnant and went unclaimed. She entered our program after giving birth to 10 adorable puppies Her babies turned 6 weeks old on 08 08 16 and are now weaned and Rosie is ready for adoption.Rosie came into her foster home scared and unsure knowing only one thing and that was that she had to care for and protect her babies. And that she did She fed cleaned protected and loved each one leaving very little work for her caretaker in the first few weeks. Rosie has a wonderful disposition she is calm and very sweet. A good listener and just wants to be loved. Like any dog her size she does have some energy that needs releasing with play or daily walking. This girl is loyal and wants to be by your side and will follow you around the house and stay by your side. She does not bark very much and is fine with visitors. She is very friendly She is fine around other dogs and likes to play. She does like to annoy the house cat though but will listen if you tell her to stop. Rosie has been sleeping in the house near her babies but recently since weaning her caretakers are training her to sleep in her crate.Rosie will be spayed microchipped and brought current on vaccines with the adoption fee. She is looking for a furever home.We do not have a facility to house the dogs in our program. They are all kept in foster homes until they are adopted. Therefore if you are interested in adopting from LHS you have to complete an online application at -X -.------X.- adoption-application and we will contact you asap about the status of your application.... More Info



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