Shop organic

The latest article about organic teas can be found here ml Not good I am part of a company that when they say they are organic are organic. That means no pesticides . We are an eco friendly privately owned manufacturing company that manufactures over 350 products people use daily. Our products don t contain bleach formaldehyde or any other toxins. We have supplements which are scientifically proven to help with high blood pressure arthritis cholesterol and 60 other diseases. Our products have been scientifically proven to help with weight loss. Our products are healthier for the home and environment. Our company also shares its revenues with it s customers. Lets talk shopping To see an online catalog email Trygeania Dowell at trygeaniadowell(at) We want to take care of our customers personally so they send people like me out there to find them contact them and refer them. I would love to tell you about it. Give me a call to learn more or respond to this ad for an appointment. Credentials can be provided. Trygeania Dowell 336-422-6697



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