MENA BARKLEY - Female DachshundBeagle Mix

Please contact Janet (----X(at)---XX) (479) ---X for more information about this pet. Adopting A Dog The first step in any adoption is an application with reference checks and a vet reference. Our goal is to have the very best home for all our dogs . For dogs with the last name Barkley. PLEASE call Janet -----X or visit website -.----X.- for an application WE LIVE BY FAITH AND SEE DIVINE INTERVENTION SAVING GOD S CREATURES ONE AT A TIME DOGTIRED RANCH IS SAVING GOD S CREATURES ONE LIFE AT A TIME. DOGTIRED RANCH IS A LIVING MEMORIAL TO KRISTI GWEN O PRY. YOU CAN ADOPT ANY DOG ON OUR SITE. MENA is such a good little girl very sweet to the other babies they play until they are all Dogtired She is still a baby and is up for anything. She causes no problems here at Dogtired Ranch. She was a house pet and has been around children. She is gentle quiet gets along wonderfully with the others. I can do a kitty test. She weighs about about 12 pounds and is five months old. She will come spayed rabies two booster shots and wormed. The adoption fee is 250.00 transport fee 140.00. We can not adopt to MA or RI. PLEASE CALL ME FOR AVAILABILITY JANET -----X. I also send you my two vet references. We take small dogs and puppies from six kill animatl controls. We can not adopt to MA or RI. DOGTIRED RANCH IS SAVING GOD S CREATURES ONE LIFE AT A TIME.



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