AKC Border Collie puppies

We have a beautiful litter of 6 (Only 2 still available) AKC registered Border Collie puppies born March 9th will be ready to go on or after may 4th. These puppies are AKC registered but they do have a lot of ABCA bloodlines behind them. These puppies are extremely well bred. They have Borderfame breeding top and bottom which is all AKC. As well as Billabong Border Collie bloodlines (duel AKC and ABCA) and Dewy Jontz (ABCA breeding) . These puppies have numerous champions behind them. They have dogs with titles in herding agility rally obedience and conformation. These puppies should excel as performance or working dogs. As well as make perfect companions for active families. This is a repeat breeding. The former puppies are proving to be top working and performance dogs. These puppies will be current on vaccinations and on a deworm program before leaving. These puppies come with a 2 year genetic health guarantee and will be vet checked and have a health paper before leaving. They also come with a puppy starter pack. They are 750 on a spay neuter contract or 1250 to approved homes with breeding rights. Puppies must be picked up I will not ship. We are located near Chariton Iowa



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