Part-time or full-time sales associate Brunswick - Compensation:

Lamey Wellehan - Maine s family owned shoe store for 99 years is seeking inspired and motivated Retail Sales Associates for its Brunswick store. This is a very rewarding profession one with an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of othersIf you are an energetic person who cares about people and want to be part of a great company that offers professional growth along with flexible hours competitive wages a generous discount 401K excellent health and other benefits contact us today and become a part of the next 99 years . A part-time position would be an ideal job for a college students or retirees looking for extra income. A full-time position often leads to management opportunities. Position requirements Outgoing friendly & personable with a positive attitude. Team oriented. Possess the ability to learn pedorthic fitting skills One who feels satisfaction by helping others Must be able to work evening weekend and holiday hours Please complete an application found at or stop by our Cooks Corner Brunswick location.



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