Janitor/ Landscaping near Coalinga/Avenal - Compensation: $9.00/

Job Coach Janitor Landscaping (Coalinga Avenal) < section class userbody > General Labor Landscaping (Coalinga Avenal) Looking to hire Job Coaches and Janitors for full time and part-time positions Sunday through Saturday 7am to 7pm including holidays. Starting pay is 9.00 per hour but there is room to move up once you show you have a good work ethic. Full Time Job Coaches will be required to pick up clients in Hanford and commute to from Coalinga Avenal Job Site (Mileage reimbursement will be provided for driving). Looking for workers to start as soon as possible The work site is in Coalinga Avenal (located five miles off of Interstate 5). Job starts the week of July 1 2013. Responsibilities -General landscaping-Watering and maintenance of grounds -Operate landscaping machinery -Pressure Washing -Clean Restrooms -Supervise clients -Provide transportation for clients MUST -Have prior experience working in landscaping and janitorial. -Have a clean driving record - This is a must please do not apply with out it -Must be hard working -Must be compassionate to individuals with disabilities. -Must have a clean criminal background history Location Coalinga Avenal Compensation 9.00 This is at a non-profit organization. OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities Principals only. Recruiters please don t contact this job poster. Please do not contact job poster about other services products or commercial interests.



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