Weblogic online training

Introduction to Weblogic Server Introduction to JAVA --- OOPS Introduction to OOPS Web Server and its origin Application Server Origin Benefits Distributed Architecture What is Weblogic Server Note means incase if required Introduction to Weblogic Server Architecture of Weblogic Server Installation of Weblogic Server GUI Console Silent Mode Installation Common issues related to the weblogic server installation Overview of directory structure post installing weblogic server Stepping in to the Weblogic Server Introduction to Domain Domain creation GUI Console mode Domain file system and its importance Overview about license.bea file serialisedSystemIni.dat file registry.xml boot.properties file Administration Server Syntax to start stop Managed Server Create understanding Syntax to start stop MSI mode Stepping in to the Weblogic Server Overview about Admin Console Node Manager Creating starting Stopping of servers using admin console Admin Console security user groups and roles running-manged-servers.xml Overview of license.bea file Common issues Clusters What is cluster Types of clusters Creation of clusters Cluster constraints Cluster communication IP Sockets Heart Beats Cluster features high availability fail safe maintainability Implementation of clusters in J2EE Applications Session Replication failover techniques Common issues and problem determination related to clusters Deploying of Application on Weblogic Servers Types of packaging of application jar war ear file system Different ways of deploying the application in weblogic server Hot and Cold Deployment of applications Targeting of applications over clusters Staging modes 2-phase deployment Common issues related to weblogic server deployment Proxy Server and its Configuration What are proxy servers List of Proxy servers supported by weblogic Configuration of proxy servers with weblogic Deploying and accessing applications with the proxy server Understanding the general flow of the dynamic URL s Common issues related to the weblogic proxy servers Connection Pools Multi-Pools What is connection pool Data source multi-pool Process to create connection and multi-pool Parameters required to define the connection pool size Common issues Working with Weblogic Security What is weblogic server security Making weblogic more secure Configuring of User roles inside weblogic server Types of certificates Installation of SSL certificate on weblogic server Performance Tuning in weblogic server Importance of performance tuning How and when we do the performance tuning Performance tuning levels 1) OS level 2) Network level 3) JVM level 4) Database and JDBC performance tuning Performance Tuning in weblogic server



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