Harriet - Female Lhasa Apso Mix

Harriet came to us from our friends at Animal Friends of the Valley shelter. She had been found as a stray dog and no owners came to claim her. The staff at the shelter knew that she needed some medical care so they reached out to us to help her. Harriet was found to have 2 very large bladder stones and most of her teeth were literally rotting in her poor little mouth. She had surgery on 7 13 16 at Mission Animal and Bird Hospital in Oceanside where she was spayed and the two large stones removed. After some recovery time she had her dental work completed on 7 29 16 and the rest of her teeth were removed. She is believed to be somewhere between 8-12 years of age is now completely healthy and with her spunky zest for life you would not know she had any troubles before she came to us She is spending time in a foster home and her foster mom says she is a total love bug. If you are interested in adding a tiny little Lhasa girl to your family you need to meet Harriet.Adoption application and information on the adoption process on our website at -.-----X.-... More Info



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