AKC Silver Female Lab Pup

River and Jack s litter of 7 was whelped November 23 2018. The Dam River is an improvement bred charcoal English female. OFA Hips Good OFA Elbows Normal Panel testing shows clear for 16 genetic diseases carrier of HNPK and 1 Protective gene for CT. The Sire Jack is a charcoal American Lab OFA Hips Excellent Elbows Normal Panel testing shows clear for 17 genetic diseases carrier agouti expression and 1 Protective gene for CT. We have 1 silver female available for 2500. She is ready to go to her new home now. All puppies come with AKC limited registration 25 month from whelp day guarantee microchip puppy food a toy a blanket with mom s scent vaccines current started on heart worm preventative a months supply of NuVet Plus and NuJoint Plus DS vitamins along with lots of love and puppy kisses. Please call with any questions 951-505-1188 or view my website www.hatz-off-labradors.com We are Located in Norco Ca.



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