Live things ready to Go Siberian Husky Puppies potty trained cra

Don t buy from this woman she is a terrible human being you will never get your papers she charges so much money she ends up having the pups for 6 months. She ll keep them outside and starve them while they re waiting for a furever home. I got two dogs from this woman(her husband might meet you too) and the dogs were nearly 7 months old underfed they are small at 8 inches tall now they still shit in my house and I work from home and try so hard to train them. She doesn t care about them she just overcharges and sits on dogs for months by the time you get your puppy it will be set in it s ways. Not to mention the fact that the dog is under fed and never bathed while she cares for them. I call this horrible human every day for my papers and I get hung up on. I ve had enough. These dogs are puppy mill muts I still love them but they are not as advertised. Don t get shafted and for the love of god if you know her address please email me She needs to be inspected badly so more animals don t suffer PLEASE ONLY CONTACT US AT 302 526 0905 OR.. 302..526 ..0905 FOR MORE PICTURES.



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