Nissan Altima GLE 1998, Black, NEGOTIABLE - $1200 (Alpharetta) -

Nissan Altima GLE 1998 Black 205- miles with rear spoiler for sale. Outer body airconditioning brakes transmission wheels lights cd player radio powered windows doorlocks powered sun-roof powered side-view mirrors cruise control radiator are in good condition. Pre-fitted with an anti-theft alarm system. All the wheels are matching and have original wheel caps. The interrior is also in a good state. The engine gives knocking sound at low rpm but the knocking sound goes away at higher rpm. The car is still driveable. It drives smoothly with no engine sound on freeways on higher rpms. If the engine is replaced repaired it can become a very reliable ride or may be used for spare parts. The price is negotiable. You are welcome to call or contact via email for further details.



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