3bhk luxury flats in hinjewadi it park pune staring price75.83 L

Kalpataru Crescendo offers 2 and 3bhk Flats for Sale at Hinjewadi IT Park. The flats come at a great price starting from approximately Rs.76.33 Lakhs for a built up area of 1220 sq.ft. Every room is designed spaciously with a blend of elegance and contemporary style. flats in pune luxury apartments in pune property in pune 2 bhk flat in pune flats for sale in pune.Key HighlightsProject Total Area 7 AcresTotal Units 400Total Open Space Vast Open Space.Top 4 Reasons to Book Kalpataru crescendo 1.Kalpataru Crescendo Location is very close to the major locations of the West Pune. From past a decade West Pune faced a drastic changes in infrastructure developments emergence of IT parks and commercial establishments etc2.The flats come at a great price starting from approximately Rs.90 Lakhs for a built up area of 1220 sq.ft. Every room is designed spaciously with a blend of elegance and contemporary style.3. Location Distance from Railway Station 14.8 Kms Distance from Airport 22.3 Kms only4. Kalpataru Crescendo Neighborhood Kalpataru crescendo pricing Unit Type Saleable Area Rate2 BHK (Small) 847 Sq. Feet 76.33 Lakhs 2 BHK (Small) 903 Sq. Feet 81.11 Lakhs 2 BHK (Regular) 1150 Sq. Feet 75.83 Lakhs 2 BHK (Large) 1225 Sq. Feet 81.1 Lakhs



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