Trail Riding, Lessons, horse training- A ride to remember!! come

Horseback riding in Ensenada Baja Mexico. if you are taking a cruise on one of the many cruise ships that come down to Ensenada or looking for a great get-away come check us out We are a horseback riding stable located in Ensenada Baja CA Mexico. We maintain a small herd of well trained horses for trail riding lessons and more. We take great pride in our horses and what we do. All our horses are well maintained along with our tack. Come on a Tuesday go for an early morning ride Have free tacos after 1 00 P.M. with purchase of drink. Or come for an early morning ride and go to the hot springs afterwards for relaxation and enjoyment Package deal inquire .TRAIL RIDES Horseback riding right in Ensenada Just a quick 5 minutes drive from downtown Ensenada we will take you on an intimate ride through the surrounding hills. Get an amazing view of the bay Ensenada the coastline and Todos Santos island and if we re lucky a view above the clouds. Please give us a 24 hour notice 72 hour notice is better 1-2 hr. ride 15.00 U.S. dlls per a person (with one of our horses) bring sack lunch and beverage.2-3 hour ride 25 U.S. dlls per a person (with one of our horses) bring sack lunch and beverage.3-4 hour ride 30.00 U.S. dlls per a person (with one of our horses). Bring sack lunch and beverage.Ride for free when you bring your own horse for a trail ride -- 1-3 hours bring sack lunch and beverage.HORSEBACK RIDING LESSONS -- If you have always wanted to ride horses or maybe just learn to understand them better then check out our affordable horseback riding lessons for all ages.HORSE TRAINING We use Natural Horsemanship to teach your horse to respond to your commands. From groundwork to ridership. we have 20 years experience handling and training and boarding horses.Horseback Riding Lessons 1 hour horseback riding lesson includes 1 2 hour private ground lesson 1 2 hour riding lessonCost 10 U.S. dlls 1 2 hour additional riding for only 5.00 more a 1-2 hour guided trail ride afterwards add 15.00 moreEXTRAS BBQ s 10.00 per a person includes chips homemade salsa main dishes dessert and n a drinks.Birthday parties w pony rides.Sack lunches available upon request for 6.00 per rider. Photo video of your experience saved on a disk 8.00Lots & lots more. Check out our website for more information you can also email us (at) info(at)desert-trails.comor give us a call 619-488-1153 US Mexico 646-174-56-74



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