1994 gooseneck horse trailer like new - Price: $4295.00

1994 delta horse trailer. Side ramp and back ramp.All doors. New paint tires and brakes. 2horse side by side but you can haul 3 horses comfortably. Front living qtrs with tv and fridge. All tinted windows. All doors and windows from factory. side doors. A deluxe easy to use trailer. New oak harkwood floor. Rubber Mats. If you use a trailer a lot you will love this one. I have owned this trailer since it was 2 yrs old. Lightly used. I hauled race horses to the track by myself. This trailer is easy for one person to use. All the inside bars and dividers and still there and in excellant shape. 6 6h and 7 wide. Selling to pay bills.



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