AKC Havanese Giovonie

Check out the Video on my web site www.cottonwoodpuppies.com in the Havanese nursery. Giovonnie is Black silver light tan non shedding Hypoallergenic pup.He will be about 12 lb as an adult. He has a Fantastic personality and is truly a wonderfull puppy My puppies are raised in my home. He had a great vet check and has been wormed and vaccinated. I do have a 2 year health guarantee on my pups .This price is for Limited AKC Full AKC is additional fee Visit my web site www.cottonwoodpuppies.com Feel free to contact Beckie 970-275- 3632 or 970- 874-9672 Link to Video below s youtu.be VHJZfB1pxok



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