KeyTrust Properties Paula Ricks. Gated Andover Small Acreage Lot

VisualTour shownp.asp sk 13& t 2791648 KeyTrust Properties Paula Ricks. Lot 27 is approximately 2.48 acres. Live a life of privilege in the wonderful gated community of Andover located off Hwy. 22 between Madison and Flora. This covenant protected community features gorgeous rolling hills 2 stocked lakes and the homes are a minimum of 2600 square feet. Lake fishing is allowed from the dam for Andover property owners only no boats. Covenants are available for your review. Andover is an easy commute but seems a world away from traffic and the hustle and bustle of other residential areas. Andover is located just 3.3 miles from the Hwy.463 Hwy. 22 intersection. Town of Flora provides the Water Sewer. No sewage tanks are needed grinder system. Utilities are Atmos Entergy AT& T Direct TV and Call Ashley Estes at 601-941-5350 or Paula Ricks at 601-942-3392 for more information.220 W Jackson St Suite 200 Ridgeland MS 39157 Office 601-956-4944



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