Murphy - Male German Shepherd Dog

Adoption fee on this dog is 300. Murphy is a gorgeous male with a solid black long coat who is approximately 2 years old. He is a large boy who needs to put on a few pounds. He came from a Sacramento area shelter originally as a stray so very little is know about his background. He does like human attention and likes to be with his human. He gets along with other calm dogs when introduced properly. He seems to be house broken and has learned quickly how to use a dog door to let himself outside when needed. He has made no attempts to get on furniture or beds and hasn t chewed on anything except toys given to him. He seemed uncomfortable in the house at first but has become very happy to be inside. He gets a little anxious when left alone and a crate is recommended until he becomes more comfortable with his new home. Inside the home Murphy is really a calm dog and settles down nicely. He is an insecure boy and if you scold him or give him a hard leash correction he shrinks to the ground and sulks away. On leash Murphy prances like a show dog. He is a little reserved meeting new people until he realizes they are not there to harm him and then he loves the attention. This boy needs a strong human leader to set some boundaries and help him gain his confidence back. Due to him being a little skittish he should not go to a house that has children younger than 10-12 years old. This dog is a Level 3. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels. For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day please see our Dogs page on our main website at -.-XX.-. Thank you for visiting ... More Info



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