Garage Sale - Queensbury

Garage sale - Queensbury (4 Pollazzo Court - take Meadowbrook from Quaker Road to Beekman to Pollazzo Ct) Saturday Sept 28 only 9-3. Lots of cool stuff Women s clothes 16-18 L-XL. 2 sewing machines SewMor double needle with cabinet and Singer Sewing boxes Hoover All Terrain Steam Vac (carpet and hard floors) Rival 20 qt Roaster Oven and Buffet Server new Bread machine TV DVD player VCR Microwave Coffee maker Pur water filtration pitcher and filter Computer Computer desk and chair Drum guitars 5 Playstation DVDs Antique carriage Houseplants Leaf Blower Porch bamboo roll-up blinds Porch wood blinds Vtech Vsmile Toys Wrought Iron plant stand and magazine rack Longerberger plate rack and napkin holder - both new Collector dolls Halloween decorations Something for everyone



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