Intex Seahawk Boat - Price: $125.00

Intex Seahawk Inflatable Boat Brand New Still in box Asking 125.00 FIRM Paid 180.00. Pick UP or Delievered (depending on where you live) 518 area only We are selling because we have no where to store it. Here are the specs High-Volume Output Pump Rugged Vinyl with 3 air chambers 2 Boston balves for quick deflation Inflatable Cushions Bow grab handles All around grab line Gear Pouch Oar Locks oar Holders 2 Fishingrod holder Motor mount fittings Repair Patch Included US Coast Guard ID 48 l x 57 w x 19 h Approx 45 1 4 lbs Weight Capacity 880 lbs Takes up to 1 1 2 HP Motor when used with Intex Moto Mount Kit (not included) If calling leave a message with your name address and we will get back to you ASAP.



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