Shih-tzu puppies

I have a female shih-Tzu puppy (5 months) & a male shih-tzu puppy (7 months) whom are up to date on shots has been dewormed & are not fixed. They are AKC registered but they will NOT come with papers (that s why I m not selling them to outrageous. Also they are not related they come from two totally different liters & 2 totally different breeders. So they can be mated. Her name is Harley. She gets along extremely well with children & other dogs. She loves taking baths but hates being brushed. Barks when someone comes over (protective). Extremely hyper & loves going outside. She is white black & brown. I m selling her for 600 His name is Buddy. He also gets along with children & other animals he is the more timid one but still gets into mischief. He loves baths & loves being brushed. He s also barks when someone is at the door. He is very protective when it comes to Harley & jealous at the sametime. lol. He is white brown & splashes of black. I m selling him for 500. Also of course they don t have to go together but if you take them both then I will drop 100 off the price. As for a picture you can meet them in person as I m willing to meet. I don t have a camera that works to take a picture of them. If you d like to meet with one or both of them or have any questions please don t hesitate please email me tiffanyd1011(at)



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