FREE Estate Planning Workshop -Woodland Community Center

When was the last time you looked at your Will or Living Trust Has it been a while Many people create their plans but then forget about the fact that things in their life change.People get married divorced remarried have children and grandchildren a death in the family and the list goes on and on.Is your plan up to date with your current situation in life If not now is the time to update it Join us at our next upcoming workshop Monday October 8 2018 6 00 PM - 7 30 PMWoodland Community Center 782 Park Street Woodland WA 98674We will have a free question and answer section at the end of the presentation for all general questions. Also we offer free initial consultations to attendees who wish to get more personal questions answered.Call Laura to reserve your seat today at (503) 241-1215. Or you can RSVP online at workshops.



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