Your Search For Ideal Tenants is Over - Price: $900/mo

Is finding the perfect tenant for your property stressing you out Finding the perfect property is stressing ME out so I decided to approach it a different way. My husband and I are searching for a home to rent or lease in the Fayetteville area. We are hardworking honest creative fun-loving and responsible individuals with great references and solid steady work history. The home we currently rent is part of a trust and is being put up for sale. So after four years in this home we are looking for a new place to hang our hats. We have a four year old rat terrier named Otto who is 19 pounds of affectionate loyalty. We also have a FIFTEEN year old cat named Harley that doesn t do much anymore but eat and seek out a sunbeam to sleep in. Our ideal abode would be located in Fayetteville with a fenced yard for Otto to enjoy. Two or three bedrooms one for us one for family to stay in when they visit and one to house my arts and craft supplies (negotiable). If you have a property that you would consider renting to us please respond to this post with the details. We would very much appreciate and care for your home as if it were our own. Thank you for your consideration



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