Looking for model for giant woman fantasy painting - Compensatio

You read correctly lol need model for fantasy painting as an 18 foot giantess.One pose example would be one where your uprooting a tree ready to pestle or squash a pesky photographer that would stand just above your knees another where your squatting on a tiny mattress being catered too by normal sized people that would be at about 2 feet in scale compared to you.No nudity or anything kinky. Model can be any height you ll be painted to scale. I posted a few photos of pose examples and of my artwork call 504 301 6054 or e mail me at artistpauldavison(at)gmail.com here is my Facebook link s www.facebook.com ArtistPaulDavison Serious inquiries only please art will be given to model after fantasy convention showing.Thanks for looking Artist Paul Davison



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