Custom Brick Spanish style Ranch Handicap Accessable - Price: ca

Beautiful custom brick spanish style ranch home. Two car attached garage with heat and a c. Home sit s on 2 lots and has a large fenced in back yard that would be great for dogs. There are 3 big bedrooms and 2 full baths and the master bath has handicap rails in the shower and toilet area and the sink is open for wheelchair access. The hallways and doorways are extra wide and the carpeting is low for wheelchair use. A large eat in kitchen with up graded appliances such as a frenchdoor fridge and flat top stove and dishwasher all in stainless steel. The den is open to the kitchen and sports a wood burning fireplace. A large formal dining livingroom with hardwood floor. A covered front porch and a large 16 x12 deck that steps up to an even larger 20 x20 deck with built in seating. Yes this home was built in 1973 and was built to last not like these newer homes that were thrown up in a couple of months. So if your the type of person who knows that an older home is better built home and are serious about buying a home now then please email us at brickranchhome(at) or call us at 910-580-6746 to set up you own personal tour with us the owners not a realestate agent please serious buyer only.... more photos on request...



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