Mini Australian Shepherd PuppiesMini Aussie Puppies for Good lif

READY FOR THEIR FUR EVER HOMES These are our 2 personal pets and the puppies stay in our home. They are all very socialized handled cuddled and loved on every day. They are around and handled by a 2 1 2 year old so toddler tested and approved. Very intelligent dogs easy to train and great family pets or hands on the farm ranch. Additional photos and videos available.PLEASE ONLY CONTACT US AT 302 526 0905 OR.. 302..526 ..0905 FOR MORE PICTURES.2-Red Merle females blue eyes 550 Blue Merle female blue eyes. 500 Fancy Blue Merle male blue eyes (our only male) 560 Red Tri Blue green eyes both Female- 500 Black Tri (brown eyes) 600American Stock Dog Registered All breeding rights are included. 1st vet check up Dewormed and 1st round of Shots included prior to pick up Sept 28th they re ready for their Fur-ever home. Dewclaws removed and tailed docked.Mom and Dad on site. Mom is 18 tall and 35 Blue Merle with blue eyes and Dad is a 14 20 Red Tri with green eyes.PLEASE ONLY CONTACT US AT 302 526 0905 OR.. 302..526 ..0905 FOR MORE PICTURES.



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