AKC French Bulldog Puppies in a Rainbow of colors

Adorable loving and smart all in one package Great family pets that will love the whole family. Males and Females available.please view more pics of my puppies on my page puppydogpage.com feel free to give me a call 541-580-7880 or e-mail me puppydogpage(at)gmail.com I believe the best dogs are made of a strong foundation in bloodlines good food lots of love and most importantly a strong focus on health. Please feel free to surf my pages and drop me an E-Mail with any questions or comments you might have. bloodlines available along with written health guarantee. Parents onsite. I strive for the french bulldog cobby look but with free moving limbs and easier breathing and I get this result in my breeding program. I love the temperment of the frenchies and have had the pleasure of placing my puppies in good families where several families have come back for another puppy because they enjoy them so much and want a playmate for the first puppy. I am always open to questions about my dogs or dogs you have recieved from another breeder. I really believe we should all lend a hand when someone needs an answer about a pet.



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