BLACKBERRY - Male Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

AVAILABLE FOR A LOVING FAMILY Meet Blackberry. He is a darling 3 year old Terrier mix with a lot of love to give. While he was wandering as a stray Blackberry found and ingested some snail bait which made him very sick. Fortunately he was taken to the vet in time to save him and he is now gaining his strength back. He is dreaming of a forever home with a family who will love him and make him a valued part of the family. Blackberry is a shy mellow guy who loves affection. He gets along well with both dogs and cats. Want to meet him Adoption fee 175. Fee includes his neuter current vaccinations and microchip. For an adoption application visit -X ----X.- adoption-application-dogs or email SPOT at -X(at)-----XX to meet Blackberry To follow Blackberry on his way to a loving family on SPOT s Facebook page visit -XX --XX.- spotsavespets ... More Info



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