1000 Watts AMP and Sub Woofers - Price: $100

Selling my 1000 Watts AMP and Sub Woofer Speakers for 100 bucks flat (total street cost is estimated 250 at min) this is a steal deal absolutely no o.b.o 1 of speakers wire is broken and need to be replaced real simple fix probably cost 10 the most to fix it or you could do it yourself. NO SCAM REAL DEAL pls dont text me or call me if your not serious I am not desperate for 100 bucks just selling it because I don t use it waste of space in my trunk plus its not even hook up to my car I have some of the wires I am a straight up individual and I expect you to be too 786-525--X text or call me anytime first come first serve If Ad is still up Yes its available I prefer you just call me or text me 786-525--X absolutely NO CHECKS OR MONEY ORDER STRAIGHT CASH ...



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