ELLIE - Female Hound (Unknown Type) Mix

You may call -----X to speak to a counselor for more information prior to your visit. The SPCA has an adoption counseling process for adopters to learn adoption guidelines and adoption options. Hi there hey there ho there. I am the cutie-pie pup they call Ellie and it is SO wonderful to finally meet you. How long have you been thinking of adding a puppy like me to the family I know I would make the best family member I mean with all my spunk and energy I will always keep you on your toes. Make sure you have a flexible schedule as I am going to take up a lot of your time - with all the walks we ll go on the vet visits the trips to the pet store the dog parks - I will keep you busy Keep in mind all of my training will have to start at square one. You see I have no idea what it means to be potty trained or what toys are mine and that I m not supposed to chew on your cool Converse shoes. So being patient with me and having lots of treats on hand will definitely be good for the both of us. So what do you say Fall in love and take me home today I currently weigh 12 lbs. and may reach 50-65 lbs. when full grown. My adoption fee is 150.00. Many adoptions will take approximately 1 hour or more. Adoption requirements and tips to speed up the adoption process Please be able to provide a valid photo I.D. with your current address (If your I.D. does not reflect your current address bring a piece of mail with your name and address on it) Be able to prove that you are allowed to have a pet where you live (proof of home ownership or a copy of your rental lease including the specific pet policy) Bring along all members of your household including dogs for an introduction to a new dog. However we do recommend meeting with an adoption counselor before involving children in the pet selection process. To avoid longer wait times we strongly recommended that dog-to-dog meetings take place after 1 00pm. Participate in adoption counseling process to learn adoption guidelines and adoption options. Adoption Fees Dogs & Puppies 115.00 Cats & Kittens 95.00 Rabbits 50.00 Adoption fees include Basic wellness exam first vaccinations spay neuter surgery microchipping deworming and flea preventative. All cats and kittens have tested negative for Feline Leukemia (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). All dogs and puppies have received heartworm preventative and dogs puppies over the age of six months have been tested for heartworms. All rabbits are spayed or neutered. Understand that the SPCA of Wake County reserves the right to deny an adoption. You may call -----X to speak to a counselor for more information prior to your visit. ... More Info



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