Exy Bonded With Boots - Male Domestic Shorthair Mix

Boots and Exy arrived at the Shuswap SPCA after no fault of their own. Their was a family issue that caused the family to move and both kitties were unable to make the move with them. Both kitties are very bonded to each other and we are looking for a home where they can get a fresh start and stay forever together.In their past both cats were allowed outside. We suggest in their new home they are given time indoors only to bond with the home and then a safe outdoor access to a fenced area where they are safe from cars and predators. Their past family said they were successful with the clay litter box indoors and also used their scratching post. Please consider taking these two best friends in to your home and you will be greatly rewarded. Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 3.96 Age 4yrs 0mths 0wks... More Info



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