Libby - Female Anatolian ShepherdGreat Pyrenees Mix

Please contact Chrystal for more information about this pet.We do not have a facility to house the dogs in our program. They are all kept in foster homes until they are adopted. Therefore if you are interested in adopting from CCHS you have to complete an online application at -X -.--------X.- adoption-application.html and we will contact you asap about the status of your application.Libby is one of The Good Dinosaur gang. Libby was surrendered to a shelter along with her siblings and sure was scared but LHS swooped him and brought her to safety. Libby is an Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyr mix and at 9wks weights about 11pds. She will grow to be quite large. Libby needs a family who has patience and time to teach him how to be the best puppy he can be. She is working on his potty training loves playing outside others dogs and kids. If you think Libby is the perfect fit to become a furever member of your family please submit an application -X ------X.- adoptfoster adoption-application Libby s 250 adoption donation includes 3 sets of vaccinations rabies heartworm preventative microchip neuter 3 sets of dewormer fecal and treatment for ailments common in puppies(i.e. parvo distemper kennel cough injuries ear mites mange etc.)... More Info



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