Patches - Male Miniature Pinscher Mix

Patches is a nine-year-old mini-pin mix. He s a tiny little guy weighing just a little over six pounds. He s neutered up to date on his vaccinations and housetrained. His foster family says Patches is very easy going and gets along great with kids and other dogs. Even though he is toothless he still looooooves to eat. And he s an expert at napping and cuddling with the nearest human. Patches is a sweetheart of a little dog.For more information about adopting Patches please e-mail us at -----XX(at)---. Or you can contact us via our website here -X -.-----XX.- contact.html. You can submit an adoption application via our website here -X -.-----XX.- application.html.Our adoption process is simple. We ask you to complete a one-page application. An interview will then take place in your home. There will be no adoption fee. Donations though will be appreciated. Adoptions outside of Northwest Arkansas are not out of the question. We welcome sincere inquiries from anywhere and we re happy to work with long-distance applicants.... More Info



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