Ellie - Female Pit Bull Terrier Mix

My name is Ellie and I am baby pitbull blend just about 16lbs and 3months old. I am very smart and affectionate. I was left on the streets to survive for myself and was so lucky when a good Samaritan found me and took me home. My foster dad reached out to CARE in hopes they can help find me a great forever family were I will be loved and never abandoned again. I get along wonderfully with the three other dogs in the house who are both bigger and smaller than me. i m young enough that I can be introduced to kids and cats too. I am crate trained and I m doing very well with housebreaking and am a lovely and mannerly girl.Please apply to adopt here -X --.- forms and CARE will be in touch with you ASAP This dog is in a foster home in San Antonio Texas and is ready to go to its final destination once adopted. The adoption fee covers spay neuter age appropriate vaccinations and micro-chip. Please call CARE at -----X or email ---(at)---X CARE rescue is in San Antonio TX where we have a serious pet overpopulation situation and 400 adoptable pets lose their lives in the shelter and on the streets every week. CARE is a non profit 501c3 rescue that has been saving lives for over 6 years and with your adoption we can help save even more deserving urgent adoptable pets We fly our pets to approved adopters all over the US especially in low kill and no kill markets where there is a demand for rescue pets ... More Info



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